A kubernetes
source plugin produces events for configured Kubernetes resources. These events can be sent to communication channels or actions. To learn how to bind sources to communication channels or actions, read the Communication and Action documents.
Enabling plugin​
Self-hosted Botkube installation​
The Kubernetes plugin is hosted by the official Botkube plugin repository. First, make sure that the botkube
repository is defined under plugins
in the values.yaml file.
url: https://github.com/kubeshop/botkube/releases/download/v1.9.0/plugins-index.yaml
To enable Kubernetes source, add --set 'sources.{configuration-name}.botkube/kubernetes.enabled=true'
to a given Botkube install
Botkube Cloud​
You can enable the plugin as a part of Botkube instance configuration.
- If you don't have an existing Botkube instance, create a new one, according to the Installation docs.
- From the Botkube Cloud homepage, click on a card of a given Botkube instance.
- Navigate to the platform tab which you want to configure.
- Click Add plugin button.
- Select the Kubernetes plugin.
- Click Save button.
Event and resource constraints​
Define constraints for Kubernetes events to narrow down the events you want to receive.
You can define both global constraints, that are applied to all resources within a given source, and also resource-specific constraints, which override global constraints. See the Syntax paragraph for more details.
There are multiple types of constraints. Each constraint type is described in the following sections.
Include and/or exclude namespaces to watch. You can use exact values or regex expressions to specify namespaces.
Exclude takes precedence over include. If a given namespace is excluded, it will be ignored, even if it included.
To watch all namespaces except those with testing-
prefix, use the following constraint:
- ".*" # include all...
- "testing-.*" # ...except any namespace that has `testing-` prefix
To watch only dev
and prod
namespaces, use the following constraint:
- "dev"
- "prod"
exclude: []
Specify exact match for resource labels. The watched resources must have all the specified labels.
labels: # Match only the resources that have all the specified labels
app: "my-app"
environment: "production"
Specify exact match for resource annotations. The watched resources must have all the specified annotations.
annotations: # Match only the resources that have all the specified annotations.
app: "my-app"
my-annotation: "true"
Resource name​
Filter events based on the resource name. If not defined, all resource names are matched. Exclude takes precedence over include. If a given resource name is excluded, it will be ignored, even if it included.
You can use both exact values and regex expressions to specify resource names. This constraint can be set per resource only. See the Syntax paragraph for more details.
To match resource names that have testing-
prefix, use the following constraint:
- "testing-.*" # include only resource names that have `testing-` prefix
exclude: []
To match all resources except those that have testing-
prefix, use the following constraint:
- ".*" # include all resource names...
- "testing-.*" # ...except those that have `testing-` prefix
Event types​
List the event types to watch.
Possible values:
, which is equal to all of the above.
types: # watch for create, delete and error events
- create
- delete
- error
Event reason​
Define exact values or regex expression to match the event reason. If not defined, all events are watched. Exclude takes precedence over include. If a given event reason is excluded, it will be ignored, even if it included.
To match events with reason equal to BackOff
, use the following constraint:
- "^BackOff$" # match events with reason equal to `BackOff`
exclude: []
To match all events except those with reason equal to BackOff
, use the following constraint:
- ".*" # match all event reasons...
- "^BackOff$" # ...except those equal to `BackOff`
Event message​
Define regex expression to match the event message. If not defined, all event messages are matched.
Exclude takes precedence over include. If a given event message is excluded, it will be ignored, even if it included.
To match events with message starting with Back-off
, use the following constraint:
- "^Back-off.*" # match all events with message starting with `Back-off`
exclude: []
To match all events except those with message starting with Back-off
, use the following constraint:
- ".*" # match all event messages...
- "^Back-off.*" # ...except those starting with `Back-off`
You can configure recommendations related to Kubernetes resources. Recommendations respect namespaces constraint regex patterns.
Currently, Kubernetes source plugin can send recommendation about 2 resources: Pods
and Ingresses
In order to send recommendation for the Pods that have containers with latest
tag or the Pods without labels, use the following configuration.
# Recommendations for Pod Kubernetes resource.
# If true, notifies about Pod containers that use `latest` tag for images.
noLatestImageTag: true
# If true, notifies about Pod resources created without labels.
labelsSet: true
If you want to receive recommendations for Ingress that contains invalid backend service definition or TLS secret, use the following configuration.
# Recommendations for Ingress Kubernetes resource.
# If true, notifies about Ingress resources with invalid backend service reference.
backendServiceValid: true
# If true, notifies about Ingress resources with invalid TLS secret reference.
tlsSecretValid: true
The filter configuration allows you to configure filters which are used for all processed Kubernetes events.
# Filter settings for various sources.
# Currently, all filters are globally enabled or disabled.
# You can enable or disable filters with `@Botkube filters` commands.
# If true, enables support for `botkube.io/disable` resource annotations.
objectAnnotationChecker: true
# If true, filters out Node-related events that are not important.
nodeEventsChecker: true
Configuration Syntax​
This plugin supports the following configuration:
# Describes configuration for various recommendation insights.
# Recommendations for Pod Kubernetes resource.
# If true, notifies about Pod containers that use `latest` tag for images.
noLatestImageTag: true
# If true, notifies about Pod resources created without labels.
labelsSet: true
# Recommendations for Ingress Kubernetes resource.
# If true, notifies about Ingress resources with invalid backend service reference.
backendServiceValid: true
# If true, notifies about Ingress resources with invalid TLS secret reference.
tlsSecretValid: true
# Filter settings for various sources.
# If true, enables support for `botkube.io/disable` resource annotation.
objectAnnotationChecker: true
# If true, filters out Node-related events that are not important.
nodeEventsChecker: true
# Describes namespaces for every Kubernetes resources you want to watch or exclude.
# These namespaces are applied to every resource specified in the resources list.
# However, every specified resource can override this by using its own namespaces object.
namespaces: &k8s-events-namespaces
# Include contains a list of allowed Namespaces.
# It can also contain regex expressions:
# `- ".*"` - to specify all Namespaces.
- ".*"
# Exclude contains a list of Namespaces to be ignored even if allowed by Include.
# It can also contain regex expressions:
# `- "test-.*"` - to specif all Namespaces with `test-` prefix.
# Exclude list is checked before the Include list.
# exclude: []
# Describes event constraints for Kubernetes resources.
# These constraints are applied for every resource specified in the `resources` list, unless they are overridden by the resource's own `events` object.
# Lists all event types to be watched.
- create
- delete
- error
# Optional list of exact values or regex patterns to filter events by event reason.
# Skipped, if both include/exclude lists are empty.
# Include contains a list of allowed values. It can also contain regex expressions.
include: []
# Exclude contains a list of values to be ignored even if allowed by Include. It can also contain regex expressions.
# Exclude list is checked before the Include list.
exclude: []
# Optional list of exact values or regex patterns to filter event by event message. Skipped, if both include/exclude lists are empty.
# If a given event has multiple messages, it is considered a match if any of the messages match the constraints.
# Include contains a list of allowed values. It can also contain regex expressions.
include: []
# Exclude contains a list of values to be ignored even if allowed by Include. It can also contain regex expressions.
# Exclude list is checked before the Include list.
exclude: []
# Filters Kubernetes resources to watch by annotations. Each resource needs to have all the specified annotations.
# Regex expressions are not supported.
annotations: {}
# Filters Kubernetes resources to watch by labels. Each resource needs to have all the specified labels.
# Regex expressions are not supported.
labels: {}
# Describes the Kubernetes resources to watch.
# Resources are identified by its type in `{group}/{version}/{kind (plural)}` format. Examples: `apps/v1/deployments`, `v1/pods`.
# Each resource can override the namespaces and event configuration by using dedicated `event` and `namespaces` field.
# Also, each resource can specify its own `annotations`, `labels` and `name` regex.
- type: v1/pods
# namespaces: # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.namespaces
# include:
# - ".*"
# exclude: []
# annotations: {} # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.annotations
# labels: {} # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.labels
# # Optional resource name constraints.
# name:
# # Include contains a list of allowed values. It can also contain regex expressions.
# include: []
# # Exclude contains a list of values to be ignored even if allowed by Include. It can also contain regex expressions.
# # Exclude list is checked before the Include list.
# exclude: []
# event:
# # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event.reason
# reason:
# include: []
# exclude: []
# # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event.message
# message:
# include: []
# exclude: []
# # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event.types
# types:
# - create
- type: v1/services
- type: networking.k8s.io/v1/ingresses
- type: v1/nodes
- ".*nf_conntrack_buckets.*" # Ignore node related noisy messages from GKE clusters
- type: v1/namespaces
- type: v1/persistentvolumes
- type: v1/persistentvolumeclaims
- type: v1/configmaps
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/roles
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/rolebindings
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolebindings
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles
- type: apps/v1/daemonsets
event: # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event
- create
- update
- delete
- error
includeDiff: true
- spec.template.spec.containers[*].image
- status.numberReady
- type: batch/v1/jobs
event: # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event
- create
- update
- delete
- error
includeDiff: true
- spec.template.spec.containers[*].image
- status.conditions[*].type
- type: apps/v1/deployments
event: # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event
- create
- update
- delete
- error
includeDiff: true
- spec.template.spec.containers[*].image
- status.availableReplicas
- type: apps/v1/statefulsets
event: # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event
- create
- update
- delete
- error
includeDiff: true
- spec.template.spec.containers[*].image
- status.readyReplicas
# Configures which verbs are available in actionable items.
verbs: ["api-resources", "api-versions", "cluster-info", "describe", "explain", "get", "logs", "top"]
# Configure which resources are available in actionable items.
- "deployments"
- "pods"
- "namespaces"
- "daemonsets"
- "statefulsets"
- "storageclasses"
- "nodes"
- "configmaps"
- "services"
- "ingresses"
# Define extra buttons to be displayed beside the actionable notification message.
- enabled: false
type: ["error"]
displayName: "Get Help"
commandTpl: "doctor --resource={{ .Kind | lower }}/{{ .Name }} --namespace={{ .Namespace }} --error={{ .Reason }} --bk-cmd-header='AI assistance'"
# Logger configuration
level: info
disableColors: false
This section lists all examples for Kubernetes source plugin. They are based on the Botkube self-hosted installation but can be used with Botkube Cloud by extracting the botkube/kubernetes.config
# Map of sources. Source contains configuration for Kubernetes events and sending recommendations.
# The property name under `sources` object is an alias for a given configuration. You can define multiple sources configuration with different names.
# Key name is used as a binding reference.
# See the `values.yaml` file for full object.
## Format: sources.{alias}
displayName: "Kubernetes Recommendations"
# Describes Kubernetes source configuration.
# See the `values.yaml` file for full object.
enabled: true
# Describes configuration for various recommendation insights.
# Recommendations for Pod Kubernetes resource.
# If true, notifies about Pod containers that use `latest` tag for images.
noLatestImageTag: true
# If true, notifies about Pod resources created without labels.
labelsSet: true
# Recommendations for Ingress Kubernetes resource.
# If true, notifies about Ingress resources with invalid backend service reference.
backendServiceValid: true
# If true, notifies about Ingress resources with invalid TLS secret reference.
tlsSecretValid: true
displayName: "Kubernetes Info"
# Describes Kubernetes source configuration.
# See the `values.yaml` file for full object.
enabled: true
# Logging configuration
# Log level
level: info
# Describes namespaces for every Kubernetes resources you want to watch or exclude.
# These namespaces are applied to every resource specified in the resources list.
# However, every specified resource can override this by using its own namespaces object.
namespaces: &k8s-events-namespaces
# Include contains a list of allowed Namespaces.
# It can also contain regex expressions:
# `- ".*"` - to specify all Namespaces.
- ".*"
# Exclude contains a list of Namespaces to be ignored even if allowed by Include.
# It can also contain regex expressions:
# `- "test-.*"` - to specif all Namespaces with `test-` prefix.
# Exclude list is checked before the Include list.
# exclude: []
# Describes event constraints for Kubernetes resources.
# These constraints are applied for every resource specified in the `resources` list, unless they are overridden by the resource's own `events` object.
# Lists all event types to be watched.
- create
- delete
- error
# Optional list of exact values or regex patterns to filter events by event reason.
# Skipped, if both include/exclude lists are empty.
# Include contains a list of allowed values. It can also contain regex expressions.
include: []
# Exclude contains a list of values to be ignored even if allowed by Include. It can also contain regex expressions.
# Exclude list is checked before the Include list.
exclude: []
# Optional list of exact values or regex patterns to filter event by event message. Skipped, if both include/exclude lists are empty.
# If a given event has multiple messages, it is considered a match if any of the messages match the constraints.
# Include contains a list of allowed values. It can also contain regex expressions.
include: []
# Exclude contains a list of values to be ignored even if allowed by Include. It can also contain regex expressions.
# Exclude list is checked before the Include list.
exclude: []
# Filters Kubernetes resources to watch by annotations. Each resource needs to have all the specified annotations.
# Regex expressions are not supported.
annotations: {}
# Filters Kubernetes resources to watch by labels. Each resource needs to have all the specified labels.
# Regex expressions are not supported.
labels: {}
# Describes the Kubernetes resources to watch.
# Resources are identified by its type in `{group}/{version}/{kind (plural)}` format. Examples: `apps/v1/deployments`, `v1/pods`.
# Each resource can override the namespaces and event configuration by using dedicated `event` and `namespaces` field.
# Also, each resource can specify its own `annotations`, `labels` and `name` regex.
# See the `values.yaml` file for full object.
- type: v1/pods
# namespaces: # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.namespaces
# include:
# - ".*"
# exclude: []
# annotations: {} # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.annotations
# labels: {} # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.labels
# # Optional resource name constraints.
# name:
# # Include contains a list of allowed values. It can also contain regex expressions.
# include: []
# # Exclude contains a list of values to be ignored even if allowed by Include. It can also contain regex expressions.
# # Exclude list is checked before the Include list.
# exclude: []
# event:
# # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event.reason
# reason:
# include: []
# exclude: []
# # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event.message
# message:
# include: []
# exclude: []
# # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event.types
# types:
# - create
- type: v1/services
- type: networking.k8s.io/v1/ingresses
- type: v1/nodes
- type: v1/namespaces
- type: v1/persistentvolumes
- type: v1/persistentvolumeclaims
- type: v1/configmaps
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/roles
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/rolebindings
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolebindings
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles
- type: apps/v1/daemonsets
event: # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event
- create
- update
- delete
- error
includeDiff: true
- spec.template.spec.containers[*].image
- status.numberReady
- type: batch/v1/jobs
event: # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event
- create
- update
- delete
- error
includeDiff: true
- spec.template.spec.containers[*].image
- status.conditions[*].type
- type: apps/v1/deployments
event: # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event
- create
- update
- delete
- error
includeDiff: true
- spec.template.spec.containers[*].image
- status.availableReplicas
- type: apps/v1/statefulsets
event: # Overrides 'source'.kubernetes.event
- create
- update
- delete
- error
includeDiff: true
- spec.template.spec.containers[*].image
- status.readyReplicas
## Custom resource example
# - type: velero.io/v1/backups
# namespaces:
# include:
# - ".*"
# exclude:
# -
# event:
# types:
# - create
# - update
# - delete
# - error
# updateSetting:
# includeDiff: true
# fields:
# - status.phase
# List of available commands that can be used in actionable items under kubernetes events.
# Configures which verbs are available in actionable items.
verbs: ["api-resources", "api-versions", "cluster-info", "describe", "explain", "get", "logs", "top"]
# Configure which resources are available in actionable items.
# Filter settings for various sources.
# Currently, all filters are globally enabled or disabled.
# You can enable or disable filters with `@Botkube enable/disable filters` commands.
# If true, enables support for `botkube.io/disable` resource annotations.
objectAnnotationChecker: true
# If true, filters out Node-related events that are not important.
nodeEventsChecker: true
displayName: "Kubernetes Errors"
# Describes Kubernetes source configuration.
# See the `values.yaml` file for full object.
enabled: true
# Describes namespaces for every Kubernetes resources you want to watch or exclude.
# These namespaces are applied to every resource specified in the resources list.
# However, every specified resource can override this by using its own namespaces object.
namespaces: *k8s-events-namespaces
# Describes event constraints for Kubernetes resources.
# These constraints are applied for every resource specified in the `resources` list, unless they are overridden by the resource's own `events` object.
# Lists all event types to be watched.
- error
# Describes the Kubernetes resources you want to watch.
# See the `values.yaml` file for full object.
- type: v1/pods
- type: v1/services
- type: networking.k8s.io/v1/ingresses
- type: v1/nodes
- type: v1/namespaces
- type: v1/persistentvolumes
- type: v1/persistentvolumeclaims
- type: v1/configmaps
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/roles
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/rolebindings
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolebindings
- type: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles
- type: apps/v1/deployments
- type: apps/v1/statefulsets
- type: apps/v1/daemonsets
- type: batch/v1/jobs
displayName: "Kubernetes Errors for resources with logs"
# Describes Kubernetes source configuration.
# See the `values.yaml` file for full object.
enabled: true
# Describes namespaces for every Kubernetes resources you want to watch or exclude.
# These namespaces are applied to every resource specified in the resources list.
# However, every specified resource can override this by using its own namespaces object.
namespaces: *k8s-events-namespaces
# Describes event constraints for Kubernetes resources.
# These constraints are applied for every resource specified in the `resources` list, unless they are overridden by the resource's own `events` object.
# Lists all event types to be watched.
- error
# Describes the Kubernetes resources you want to watch.
# See the `values.yaml` file for full object.
- type: v1/pods
- type: apps/v1/deployments
- type: apps/v1/statefulsets
- type: apps/v1/daemonsets
- type: batch/v1/jobs
# `apps/v1/replicasets` excluded on purpose - to not show logs twice for a given higher-level resource (e.g. Deployment)
displayName: "Kubernetes Resource Created Events"
# Describes Kubernetes source configuration.
# See the `values.yaml` file for full object.
enabled: true
# Describes namespaces for every Kubernetes resources you want to watch or exclude.
# These namespaces are applied to every resource specified in the resources list.
# However, every specified resource can override this by using its own namespaces object.
namespaces: *k8s-events-namespaces
# Describes event constraints for Kubernetes resources.
# These constraints are applied for every resource specified in the `resources` list, unless they are overridden by the resource's own `events` object.
# Lists all event types to be watched.
- create
# Describes the Kubernetes resources you want to watch.
# See the `values.yaml` file for full object.
- type: v1/pods
- type: v1/services
- type: networking.k8s.io/v1/ingresses
- type: v1/nodes
- type: v1/namespaces
- type: v1/configmaps
- type: apps/v1/deployments
- type: apps/v1/statefulsets
- type: apps/v1/daemonsets
- type: batch/v1/jobs
The default configuration for Helm chart can be found in values.yaml.